About Us

ediiify - to make/form a witness of God

ed (greek) - a witness

i. God the father

i. God the son

i. God the holy spirit

fy (latin) - "to make" or "to form"

Our mission is simple: to bring the transformative word of God to the younger generation, ensuring we present the teachings of the Bible in their true essence, rather than basing our message on personal interpretations. At the core of our ministry is a deep respect for the Bible as the inspired, infallible guidebook for life, offering timeless wisdom and direction.

We're dedicated to exploring the Bible from start to finish, uncovering its profound truths one line at a time. This journey through Scripture reveals the unfailing love and grace of Jesus Christ, His sacrificial role as our redeemer, and the unique, unearned salvation available to all who trust in Him. It's a message of hope, redemption, and transformation that is as powerful and pertinent now as it has ever been.

We believe and emphasize the significance of Jesus's death and resurrection, not just as historical events, but as the cornerstone of our faith and the basis for our eternal hope. Salvation, a gift of grace from God, invites us into a lifelong journey of faith, marked by a continuous renewal of our hearts and minds through the Holy Spirit.

We wholeheartedly believe in the Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit—and live in joyful anticipation of Jesus Christ's return. This blessed hope inspires us to lead lives of purpose, service, and love, fully committed to spreading God's word and embodying His love in every action.

Our mission extends an open invitation to all, to explore the depth of God's word with us, to discover the life-changing power of faith in Jesus Christ, and to join us in a community where every soul is valued, nurtured, and empowered to live out the calling God has placed on their lives.